Memorial Golf Outing

The Memorial Fund is holding a golf outing August 26 at Spring Valley CC in Salem, Wisconsin.  Come join us to help raise money for the fund and gather together in Liz’ memory.  A flyer with more information is attached. Liz Willding Memorial Golf Outing Flyer

Court Update

The next court date is scheduled for Monday, July 23 at 9 a.m. in Courroom 201. A map is on the right here, click on it for a larger version. Gigi would greatly appreciate it if you could attend and show your support. Hopefully it will be noticed by the judge and the participants. Thank… Continue reading Court Update

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New Flickr Photo Album

liz-child-03.jpg Originally uploaded by WG Finley I have moved all the photos that I previously scanned and had online over to Flickr. By using Flickr you have access to all the photos in their original sizes and you can use them, print them, or order them to be nicely printed for you from Flickr. I… Continue reading New Flickr Photo Album

New Site Layout

Welcome to the new site design, hopefully this will be a lot easier on the eyes, a lot easier for Gigi to keep you updated on and give you a chance to contribute. Feel free to sign up and leave your comments or stories about Liz, we would really enjoy having them. The old site… Continue reading New Site Layout

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