Liz – 27

Liz would have been 27 today, in honor of her birthday we’re posting a slideshow of all the family images that were retouched after her passing. Please think of Liz and her family today. Larger sizes of the photos can be viewed on Flickr. Thank You![slideshow_deploy id=’243′]

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Memorial Video on YouTube

I have divided (since YouTube has a 10 minute limit) and uploaded the memorial video to YouTube.  You can check it out by clicking play below or going directly to its entry on YouTube.

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New Site Layout

Welcome to the new site design, hopefully this will be a lot easier on the eyes, a lot easier for Gigi to keep you updated on and give you a chance to contribute. Feel free to sign up and leave your comments or stories about Liz, we would really enjoy having them. The old site… Continue reading New Site Layout

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