Memories of Liz

Share a memory of Liz with us to help keep her memory alive!



  1. I’ve thought about Liz over the years, she has been someone I have reflected on since I heard the devastating news from my mother years ago. I now have daughters of my own, and my oldest is the same age as Liz when i knew her (6 years old, during PMNL’s “The Sound of Music”). I see such an innocent and talented light in my daughter that at times reminds me of the light I saw in little Liz. Even though I only knew her for a handful of months 25 years ago (we know how show-life quickly draws people closer), the very clear memory of the darling talent she was has always stood with me. I will always remember Liz as a stand out talent, a sweet and darling little girl who was mature beyond her years.

    With Love,

    Essie Jackson
    (Esther Scheurer)

  2. Thank You Ester. I didn’t know our family friend had set this page up. I saw it for the first time tonight when I searched Liz’s name. Love and Hugs to you and yours.

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